Whether it's septic field maintenance, septic filter cleaning or ensuring you keep to a septic tank pumping schedule, we are here to help you stay on track with septic tank upkeep.
The experts at Brooks Construction can not only install and inspect your septic system, but we also offer full-service septic tank maintenance to maintain and prolong the life of your system. We bring deep knowledge about septic maintenance to every job we do and strive to keep your septic system operating in peak condition. Septic tank care is an important part of keeping your system running smoothly, and adhering to a regular septic tank maintenance schedule can be both preventative and can keep small issues from turning into big messes. No matter your septic needs, whether it's septic field maintenance, septic filter cleaning or ensuring you keep to a septic tank pumping schedule, we are here to help you stay on track with septic tank upkeep.

Septic Tank Care: Official Guidelines
According to the EPA, septic tank care comes down to "four key elements:"
Inspections and Pumping
The cornerstone of any septic system maintenance schedule is having your system inspected and tank pumped regularly. This alone can prolong the life of your system and prevent costly, inconvenient and messy problems. Your household system should be inspected yearly by a septic tank maintenance service professional. A yearly septic tank service schedule is particularly necessary for alternative systems that feature electrical float switches, pumps or other mechanical components. A household of average size should expect to be on a septic tank pumping schedule of every 3-5 years, depending on the results of regular inspections. Our professional maintenance crew will tailor a septic tank pumping and inspection schedule to meet the needs of your household and system.
Proper Waste Disposal
It's important to remember that if it goes down a drain in your house, it ends up in your septic system. An integral part of proper septic tank care is being mindful that what you dispose of and how you dispose of it can affect the performance of your septic system. In other words, treating your septic system like a trash can significantly increase your septic tank maintenance cost. While the list of things you should not put down your drains or flush down your toilet is long and varied, it's far easier to remember the following:
Don't flush anything that isn't toilet paper—even items labeled as being "flushable" are not designed to break down and dissolve in septic tanks.
Do limit what you put down your drains and garbage disposal—just because you can does not mean you should. Grease, coffee grounds, household chemicals and more can all damage your system.
Efficient Water Use
While some septic tank maintenance such as pumping and inspections can be performed by us according to an agreed-upon septic tank service schedule, a fair amount of septic tank upkeep happens on a day-to-day basis and is the responsibility of homeowners. One of the easiest ways to help your septic system last a lifetime is to be mindful of water usage. Purchasing high-efficiency appliances with an Energy Star rating, fixing leaky faucets and running toilets, and investing in low-flow shower heads, faucets and toilets are all effective in reducing water waste in the interest of septic tank upkeep.
Septic Field Maintenance
Of all the various parts and pieces involved in overall septic tank care, septic field maintenance is probably the most straightforward and doesn't require adhering to a septic tank maintenance schedule. This part of taking care of your septic tank is simple:
Don't drive or park on your drain field.
Keep all drainage systems such as roof drains and sump pumps away from your drain field.
Don't plant trees or other greenery close to your drain field. Roots are a major cause of service calls that will transition you from septic maintenance to septic repair.
Requesting Septic System Maintenance
At Brooks Construction and Septic, because we are based out of Everson, Washington and have deep history in Whatcom County, we are familiar with the local weather, seasons, soil and other factors that can impact the performance of your septic system. Our professionals are experts in septic tank care and will assist you in formulating a septic tank maintenance schedule that suits your needs. To schedule your septic tank maintenance in Whatcom County, please call (360) 739-5546, email or request septic work online. We're happy to be your septic system maintenance partners.